Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Organizational Power in Stryker Essay - 1908 Words

Power is defined as the capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so B acts in accordance with A’s wishes (p.198). Being a collaborative organization, Stryker’s power resides in four key teams: accounting, human resources management, information technologies management, and a cross functional team known as the steering committee. Power resides within these teams because they control the things that the organization needs to function. The relationships that these teams have with the organization are based upon dependence, these departments can influence the distribution of resources in the organization. These teams exercise their power to help the organization generate a profit, respond to changes, to limit the number of errors,†¦show more content†¦Human resources personnel like Dena have the power to determine who can join the organization, appraise their performance, and approve their promotions. Human resources personnel garner their power by gather ing information concerning personnel, comparing it to the outlined corporate expectations and making suggestions to the personnel concerning how they can close any gaps between actual performance and expected performance. The information technologies management team oversees the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data at Stryker. Today the organization is becoming more and more dependent on technology, so a team member like Alberto Vera has the ability to make decisions concerning such technologies and can make the company more viable and efficient. The software, programming, database, networking, web, and hardware specialists make it possible for Stryker to transfer online data efficiently. And anyone that can increase organizations efficiency can also derive power from this expertise. The steering committee at Stryker is a cross-functional team. A cross functional team is a group of people from the same hierarchical level with different functional expertise who come together to accomplish a task (p.151). The steering committee members include: engineers, accountants, marketers, operations personnel,Show MoreRelatedThe Capital Budgeting Process At Stryker1668 Words   |  7 PagesStryker Corporation The capital budgeting process at Stryker is following a very specific procedure to ensure that the company’s goal of 20% growth in earnings per year is met at all times. To be successful, the strategy requires advanced planning and management approval to guarantee that projects are accurately evaluated, prioritized and consistent with the firm’s long term strategic vision. The impressive growth in earnings is solely attainable through tight costs control, which Stryker does almostRead MoreCompetitive Analysis - General Dynamics4739 Words   |  19 Pages thus, creates a oligopolistic condition within this niche community. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

How Apple Managed to Reinvent Itself over the Years Free Essays

Apple Computers: Research on how Apple Managed to Reinvent Itself over the Years Apple computer Inc. currently known with the brand name Apple Inc. is a global corporation that makes end-users electrical products, computer programs, and marketable servers. We will write a custom essay sample on How Apple Managed to Reinvent Itself over the Years or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company’s main merchandise lines are iPod tune entertainers, iphone, and Macintosh. Apple Inc founders were Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs who integrated the company on January 3,1977 in California (Young Simon, 2005). Apple has been predominantly a manufacturer of laptops for example Macintosh, Power Mac, and Apple 1. In the 1990’s, the company faced unsteady vending and stumpy market. During that time Steve Jobs had been expelled but later in 1986, he returned to the company and became the CEO. Apple Corporation purchased another company called neXT and Jobs instilled fresh company policy of identifiable goods and simple devices. In 2001, the iPod melody player became successful making the company the leader in the customers’ electronic business (Sutherland, Ed, 2010). Apple Inc. has had its successes and failures. In 1980, the introduction of Apple 11 was the beginning and the representation of the computer uprising during that period. Although the company had many competitors like the Commodore PET, this product defeated all other products and rapidly personified the other computers in the public awareness. It was highly advertised and its sales increased for three years consecutively. The Apple 11 had an attractive design, incorporated keyboard; ability to plug into any electronic devices like TVs making it successful. Its success was highly motivated by a program called VisiCalc, an initial spreadsheet to surface in the market (Young Simon, 2005). The company was developing at an unbelievable quick rate. In spite of the achievements, Macintosh auctions started to fall following a hopeful beginning, and internal troubles affected the company. Power struggle among partitions persisted, and deprived account trailing brought about overproduction. Steve jobs introduced a new product in the market called Lisa named after his daughter. After his appointment in Xerox PARC, the venture Lisa became a distress too. The major challenge was to plan a real product. The company had also suffered a big blow due to the CEO’s bad publicity. The company was later re-organized. In 1980, Apple 111 became a catastrophe in the market because of many flaws. Lisa too was a disappointment to the company. Accepting to go public, Apple Inc. became successful again. Some of the successes related directly to the company’s culture are its ability to stand out even over other competitors like IBM because of its initiators. The company has a status of nurturing individualism and distinction that dependably draws skilled people to its employment especially after Steve Job’s return to the company. The company’s slogans and logos too have influenced its success. Apple Inc. merchandise commercial increased its reputation for initiating musicians into prominence (Sutherland, Ed, 2010). The company has also experienced product loyalty from its users. In conclusion, Apple Inc formerly known as Apple computer Inc. s an international company, which formulates consumers’ electrical products, computer programs, and viable servers with some of its products including iPod tune entertainers, iphone, and Macintosh. The Apple Inc. has gone through some of its successes and failures. Introduction of Apple 11 in 1980 was the commencement and the image of the computer unrest throughout that era. The company has also enjoyed its success because of various attributes such as its motto, symbol, the compa ny’s ability to raise celebrities to recognition, and the loyalty portrayed by some of the company’s consumers. Some of the failures experienced by the company were the introduction of Apple 111, Lisa project, and the continuous change of management. References Sutherland, Ed (October 29, 2010). Apple Tops Microsoft Revenue in Third Quarter. Retrieved from http://www. cultofmac. com/apple-tops-microsoft-revenue-in-third-quarter/66698. Young, Jeffrey; William L. Simon (2005). ICon Steve Jobs: The greatest second act in the history of business. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. How to cite How Apple Managed to Reinvent Itself over the Years, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Accounting Taxation Theory Practice and Law

Question: Explore taxation theory practice and law. Answer: The difference between capital proceeds and cost of acquisition of capital gain tax asset is known as the capital gain. Three methods can be used for calculating capital gain. The methods are as follows: Discount method: application of this method takes place more than 12 months before the event of capital gain tax occurs. Indexation method: The application of this method takes place on the acquisition of assets before 21st September and this method is held for more than twelve months before the event of capital gain tax occurs Residual method: The application of this method takes place when assets are held for less than twelve months. Thus calculation of capital gain is done by the application of these three methods only (Clark 2014). Exemption of the following assets from gain on sale of capital asset Motor vehicles; Selling of family houses used for residential purposes; Reimbursed amount for particular injuries; Acquired collectable amounting to less than $500; which were acquired before 20th September 1985. Provisions relating to set off and carry forward of losses arising from capital gain Long Term Capital Loss (LTCL): Long term capital loss can be set off against long term capital gain only. The possibility of any other mode of set off is nil. The carrying forward of this loss can be done to subsequent indefinite assessment years. Short Term Capital Loss (STCL): Short term capital loss can be set off against the long term capital gain. The carrying forward of this may be done to the subsequent indefinite assessment years and it may be set off against both short term and long term capital gain. (a) In the instant problem, Mr. Dave Solomon lived in a building which was two-storeyed. He purchased the building at $70,000 and lived there for the last 30 years. The building was sold by Mr. Dave Solomon on 27th June of the current tax year for an amount of $ 8, 50,000. The selling of the resident was done through auction and an amount of $ 85000 was paid as advance money by the buyer. But subsequently the buyer failed to give the remaining amount and as a result the money was forfeited. Hence, the received amount of $ 85,000 has to be charged to Income from other sources. Calculation of capital gain Sale proceed $8, 65,000 The above amount falls under the exemption category as per the definition of CST I.E Family home exemption Long term capital gain (ltcg) Long term capital gain (ltcg)NIL (b) A pro hart painting was sold for $ 1, 25,000 which was bought at an amount of $ 15,000 on 20th September, 1985. Calculation of capital gain: Sale Proceed $ 1, 25,000 Less: Indexed acquisition cost 15,000*123.4/71.3 $ 25,961 LTCG $150,961 (c) On current years 1st June, a luxury motor car was sold to a local boat broker at an amount of $ 60,000 which was bought at an amount of $ 1, 10,000 in late 2004. Calculation of capital gain: Sales proceeds $ 60,000 Less: Indexed cost of acquisition $ 1,10,000 LTCL $ 50,000 (d) Mr. Dave Solomon purchased some shares in a newly listed mining company at an amount of $ 75,000 on 10th January of the current year. He sold these shares at an amount of $ 80,000 on 5th June of the current year. For the purpose of purchasing these shares he took a loan amounting to $ 70,000 and paid an interest of $ 5,000 on the loan. He also paid $ 250 as stamp duty for purchasing the shares and paid am amount of $ 750 as brokerage for selling the shares. Interest on loan is excluded in the acquisition cost under the provisions of the law relating to income tax. For this reason, the interest on loan has been excluded (Woellner et al. 2012). Part a Calculation of capital gain: Sale proceed $ 80,000 Less: stamp duty $250 Less: Brokerage $ 750 Less: Acquisition cost $75,000 STCL $ 4,000 Calculation of total capital gain LTCG on sale of residential building $ NIL LTCG on sale of painting $ 1, 50,961 STCG on sale of shares $ 4,000 LTCL on sale of motor car $ 50,000 LTCG $ 1,04,961 A net capital loss amounting to $ 10,000 from the sale of the shares is shown on the tax return of Mr. Dave Solomon for the previous year ending on 30th June. Adjustment of the same can be done with the long term capital gain of the current year. Thus, Net LTCG is $ 1, 04,961-$10,000 = $ 94,961 for the current year. Part b The calculation of the net capital gain is done by adding all the gain acquired by the sale of capital assets and then subtracting all the losses which were suffered by the sale of capital assets and it also includes the sale of capital assets in the previous year. Capital gain tax does not fall under the category of separate tax. A part of the assessable income is formed by the capital gain and tax is payable on the profit arising out of the selling of the assets in the relevant income year when the sale was made. Thus a gain on the sale of asset has been earned by Mr. Dove Solomon. Consequently fund can be contributed by him to his personal superannuation fund. Relevant records of the major transactions relating to purchase, interests on loan, litigation fees, etc. have to be maintained by him. Other relevant records include records relating to the maintenance and repairing of assets and the amount paid on brokerage for purchase of shares (Woellner et al. 2012). Part c Calculation of net capital loss is done by adding all the losses incurred from the sale of capital asset in which the loss suffered in the previous year is also included. The capital loss cannot be set off from the other source of income by the assesse. It has to be carried forward for the subsequent years and is to be deducted from the capital gain earned in the subsequent years. The carrying forward of capital loss cannot be done for an indefinite period of time. Capital loss cannot be chosen to be set off against any capital gain by the assesse. Such loss can, however, be deducted from the capital gain as per the choice of the assesse. If there is no positive capital gain for Mr. Dave Solomon, more assets have to be sold and more loan needs to be acquired for the purpose of contributing some fund to his personal superannuation fund. Then Mr. Dave can afford to buy a rented apartment in the city and tax free amount can be withdrawn from his personal superannuation fund only after t he attainment of 60 years of age in next year on the month of August (Vernimmen et al. 2014). Part a The Company, Periwinkle Pty Ltd. Carries on the business of selling bathtubs to the public. One of the employees named Emma does a lot of traveling for doing the work of the Company and as a result he received a car from the Company on 1st May, 2015. The car which was given by the Company to Emma can be used not only for work purpose but for other purposes as well. The car was purchased by the Company at an amount of $33,000 on 1st May 2015. 10,000 kilometers were travelled in the car by Emma for the period starting from 1st May, 2015 to 31st March, 2016. The expenses incurred by Emma for repairing the car amounted to $ 550 and the Company reimbursed the same. Emma did not use the car for 10 days during which the car was parked at the airport. The car was also not used during the repairing period which lasted for 5 days. Emma received a loan amounting to $ 5, 00,000 from the Company at rate of interest of 4.45% from the Company on September 1, 2015. A holiday home amounting to $ 4, 5 0,000 was purchased by Emma and the remaining amount of the loan was given to Emmas husband who bought shares of the Telstra Company. A bathtub amounting to $ 1300 was purchased by Emma during the year and was sold to the public at $2600. The bathtub was bought from the Periwinkle Company, which manufactures a bathtub at a cost of $ 700. Fringe benefit tax: The tax payable by the employer on certain benefits given to the employee is known as Fringe benefit tax. The Fringe Benefit tax is not applied to the cash- benefits paid to the employees by the Company and it payable only on non-cash benefits. Exemptions from Fringe benefit tax Following are exempted from the Fringe benefit tax: Work expenses Benefits of a car which has been given by the company to an employee provided the car has not been used for any other purpose other than work purposes. Expenses relating to relocation of employees Exempted loans Benefits, whose taxable value is less than $ 300. Allowance relating to housing provided the location of the housing is at a remote place. The Fringe benefit tax are payable on loan, housing, transport, property, car, airline, car parking and the residual. Under the fringe benefit tax, a car is defined as station wagon which is used to carry less than 1 ton of goods or any vehicle which carries less than 9 passengers. If the car which is provided by an employer to an employee is used by the employee for private purposes for a period exceeding 3 months and such car does fulfil the criteria according to the definition given under the fringe benefit tax, then such benefit will not be exempted from the fringe benefit tax. (Hodgson and Pearce 2015). The car which has been given to Emma fulfils all the criteria and therefore tax would be payable on such benefit. Under the provisions of fringe benefit tax a car is supposed to be used for private purpose if it is not garaged in the employers premise or if it is at the workshop for repair purpose. Methods of calculating fringe benefit tax Cost Basis method Application of Statutory formula In the instant problem, Base value of the car $33,000 Number of days car has been used under Fringe benefit tax =335-5 = 3 Note: Car was at workshop for 5 days which has been deducted and parking at airport qualifies to be used for private purpose, therefore it has not been deducted. The car travelled a distance of 15000 km during fringe benefit period, consequently the rate would be 20%. Taxable Value $33000*20%*330/365 $5,967 Less expense incurred by employee $550 FRINGE BENEIFT TAX $5,417 Treatment of Loan provided to employee at a low interest rate by employer The computation of fringe benefit tax will be done in the following way when an employee is given loan at an interest rate lower than benchmark or interest free loan: The Company provided the loan at 4.45% interest rate while the benchmark interest rate is 5.95%. Therefore, following is the fringe benefit tax: 5,00,000* 1.50% = $7,500 Now, $4, 50,000 was used by the employee for purchasing a house and the remaining amount was given to Emmas husband for purchasing shares. The taxable value will be the same i.e. $7,500 since the amount of $4, 50,000 was incurred on house work. Part b If the entire amount of $ 5, 00,000 would have been used by Emma then the fringe benefit tax would have been calculated as follows: i) Taxable value of the loan under fringe benefit tax 5, 00,000*1.50% $7,500 ii) Assume that the loan was interest free and ignore any interest charged $5, 00,000*5.95% $29,750 iii) Now suppose the interest paid by the employee equals to the amount of taxable value $29,750*10/100 $2,975 iv) Now, consider the real situation interest has been imposed on loan $5, 00,000*4.45%*10% $2,225 v) Subtract iii-iv $ 2,975- $2,225 $750 vi) Taxable value i-v 7500-750 $6,750 DEBT WAIVER FRINGE BENEFIT In the instant problem, the bathtub was purchased by Emma for $1300 and was sold at $2600. The fringe benefit liability is $ 2600-$1300=$ 1300. References Balli, F., Kalemlià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ozcan, S. and Srensen, B.E., 2012. Risk sharing through capital gains.Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'conomique,45(2), pp.472-492. Bergstresser, D. and Pontiff, J., 2013. Investment taxation and portfolio performance.Journal of Public Economics,97, pp.245-257. Braverman, D., Marsden, S.J. and Sadiq, K., 2015. Assessing taxpayer response to legislative changes: A case study of in-housefringe benefits rules.Journal of Australian Taxation,17(1), pp.1-52. Clark, J., 2014. Capital gains tax: historical trends and forecasting frameworks.Economic Round-up, (2), p.35. Cortis, N. and Eastman, C., 2015. Salary sacrificing in Australia: are patterns of uptake and benefit different in the notà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ forà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ profit sector?.Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources,53(3), pp.311-330. Fisher, D., 2015. Mid market focus: No joy regarding FBT on travel expenses for FIFO arrangements. Hodgson, H. and Pearce, P., 2015. TravelSmart or travel tax breaks: is the fringe benefits tax a barrier to active commuting in Australia? 1.eJournal of Tax Research,13(3), p.819. Hodne, N., Murphy, S., Ottenbacher, M. and Ruggles, T., 2013. Australia and the United States: A Comparison and Contrast of Corporate Governance Practices. Mather, P., 2013. LAFH changes increase employer compliance burden.Taxation in Australia,47(8), p.496. O'Keefe, P., Smith, B., Shimeld, S. and Minas, J., 2015. The abandoned education cap policy: public participation in tax reform consultation. InAustralian Tax Forum(Vol. 30). Pearce, P. and Hodgson, H., 2015. Promoting smart travel through tax policy.Tax Specialist,19(1), p.2. Perry, M. and Rowe, J.E., 2015. Fly-in, fly-out, drive-in, drive-out: The Australian mining boom and its impacts on the local economy.Local Economy,30(1), pp.139-148. Scott, R.A., Currie, G.V. and Tivendale, K.J., 2012. Company cars and fringe benefit taxunderstanding the impacts on strategic transport targets February 2012. Stanley, J. and McCue, P., 2014. Action area 11Financial measures.Blueprint for an active Australia,1, p.72. Vernimmen, P., Quiry, P., Dallocchio, M., Le Fur, Y. and Salvi, A., 2014.Corporate finance: theory and practice. John Wiley Sons. Woellner, R., Barkoczy, S., Murphy, S., Evans, C. and Pinto, D., 2012.Australian taxation law. CCH Australia. Calculation of capital gain etc. have to be maintained by him. Other relevant records include records relating to the maintenance and repairing of assets and the amount paid on brokerage for purchase of shares (Woellner et al. 2012).

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lester Young free essay sample

To further explore the development and maturity of Young style I will be analyzing his technique. Section Research and Analysis Lester Young is one of the most famous and influential saxophonist and his music play a very important role in the field of Jazz music. He has brought a strong personal solo, a cool modernism and a new rhythmic flexibility to traditional jazz. Young was born in Woodpile Mississippi on August 27, 1909, and grew up in a musical family. He learned to play the violin, trumpet, drums as well as the saxophone from his father. Wailed, 2012) Young has been a pessimistic lonely. He left his hometown and went to a band, because he wanted to get more knowledge of Jazz music in the north. Nobody wanted to be with him, because his music style was apart from the group. Whats more, he got a extraordinary sense of style. Young unique style affected hundreds of saxophone players. We will write a custom essay sample on Lester Young or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I believe that his personality and style of dress was also part of his legend life. After that, he looks for comfort from drugs and drinks. Due to the bitter experience of military service life, his Inside, parietal had been badly Influenced.Hence, he has got a serious disease and died on March 15, 1959. Section Influence and his legacy On Lester Young instrument he was one of the most influential players at that time, his style had much difference from other musicians. When he plays saxophone, he was always concentrate on his music world, because his plays were self-collected. As above, his style was called the Cool Jazz. Though his music style did not be appreciated, he never gives up and still insists upon his music style. I think behind many successful men, there are a lot of unsuccessful years.I was attracted by his music when I listen to his song. His l Want to Happy and Peg O My Heart leads me into a feast of music and also makes me recall some unhappiness and happiness things. We cannot ignore Is that he popularized a kind of saxophone style; it was called Swing. We can know more about his personal style from his solo-young overstepping his performance. All in all, Young solo style has influenced many tenor saxophonists. Such as, Stan Get and Dexter Gordon; they are the most famous and successful musicians around the world.However, he also influenced many people in LOL Jazz styles, like Coot Sims, AY Cohn and Gerry Mulligan. At that time, all eyes were on Lester Young as he played saxophone. He had a smooth tone and subdued solos; he employed a syncopated rhythm with a strong driving force. He played delay an expected note by a fraction. However, some people thought he was not confident and they wished that more fireworks. (Vocation 5118,1939) Lester Young is the giant of Jazz. I think Young music is very gentle and bold, I never listen to Jazz music like that, his solo always gave me a big surprise because his sic style was never out-fashion.Many people considered that Lester Young was the greatest tenor sax player from former till now. Actually,Len the mid sasss to mid sasss, he changed the way to play tenor saxophone and the art of Jazz itself. Lester Young based on George and Aria Gershwins l Got Rhythm written Lester Leaps In. Like the bands other head arrangements, it features improvised solos built around a central riff, but where we might expect more of the bands usual free-for-all virtuosity, this record is a study in minimalism. (Vocation 5118, 1939) His tone is fine ND sounds quite sweet, at the end of his songs are always slow and full of perceptual statement, though in his early music career, his tenor saxophone was criticized for being too weak, but time proves that he can occupy an important position in music. Lester Young, who influenced co ol Jazz more than other musician, His saxophone playing used gentle and light sound, in contrast to the clangorous detonation approach of players like Coleman Hawkins. Young was clever in its used of rhythm, instead of driving it.When he started his solos, he wanted to underscore hat melodic development, rather than hot phrases or rhythm change. (http:// en. Wisped. Org/wick/Cool_Jazz). Young music is the mixture of powerful, angry, brave, and beautiful and some free-thinking tradition of Jazz, which demonstrates a feast of music and shows the truly human feeling. He was certainly a spiritual guide. He was the one and only Lester Young-?indisputably one of the most influential figures in post-swing Jazz and the effective creator of the Chicago tenor sound.Telling the truth, he expanded the language of music and leaves an indelible personal legacy for traditional Jazz. Young even influenced the way Jazz artists talk. In addition to his wonderful music, young most enduring the legacy has been his memorable persona. Although it was not his intention, Young became an early model for the modern-day (2003 30th studios, Chicago) In his short music life, Young has left a rich musical heritage. Section His solo Young had matured and his music style changed when he left the military.Some people thought that military changed his life and lose his craft. However, he was once again played with the style, and everyone changed their opinion. The theme of Lester Leaps In is based on Rhythm-change, vamps in the A-sections and have an improvised bridge over a circle of fifths. Young more or less disregards the chord changes in the A-sections and plays around the Bob-chord. This transcription contains Young first two solo choruses, omitting his later chase with Basis. All best. When I listened to his song sad eyes, I started to wonder what the story was behind it.Melody sounded in that moment, around the time and the air seems solidified general. Maybe young want to get a wonderful life, the expression of unman civilization and seek peace and happiness. In fact, he had also some happy memories of his childhood. When he played The man I love . The man was his father on his mind, and it always brought back his happy memories. However, as the music goes on, his solo can makes complicated changes in low tone with large extent, it was different from the melody . With the fast paced rule changed, his emotional changed as well.He wanted to tell listeners his painful life, Like the war, poverty and racial injustice. In later works, Young solos sadder and wiser than before. After that, Young solos sadder and wiser than before. After that, he was both an alcoholic and addicted to cocaine.. During that time, he totally forgot himself and lost self-esteem. The reason why he wasted time and abused drugs, because of his military career. I believe that life is not fair, get on it. That contradictory thought was hard to express his emotion, he always held high his saxophone when he played solos. These way make the difference from others.Section Comparison I would draw some comparisons between Lester Young and other musicians. Comparisons with some musicians like Hawkins and Ben Webster. Young music can directly move our inner world. Instead Hawkins style that was very sharp and full of ambition and he was the most strongly associated with the swing music g band era, he had played important role in the development of bebop in the sass. Hawkins always had a keen ear for new talent and styles (Wakefield Foundation, 28 September 2012). He also had a great contribution on the period from the tradition Jazz to the Swing Era.And the three great musicians are considered the big three of swing tenors. Hawkins was a talking, walking Jazz composition-?a living exercise in artistic improvisation. Lester Young thought Coleman Hawkins was the President first, he was the second one. Miles Davis once also said: When I heard Hawk, I learned to play ballads. To that extent, Hawkins is also a powerful person at music. But there is some different style between Hawkins and Young, Hawkins played around harmonic ways while Young played flurries of notes and had a huge tone that the other tenor players of the day emulated. As we all know, Lester Young was also called Perez, cause Billie Holiday felt that Americas greatest people, should be President Roosevelt, and in Jazz music, Young deserves the name Perez from the President is also a proper. And there are something in common between Hawkins and Young, they all wore the same uniform with difference on their collar and cap on stage, that has been part of Jazz tradition and the western blues ever since. Young accomplishments and playing skills helped define a generation and changed the Jazz field. Hawkins was hot, Young played was cool.And Young always came up with a impolitely different conception in his play. His play was simple and relaxed, not with the feeling of rocking Jazz but quite a melodious song. I believe, in the later years, he abused drug, Young play was not always at the same level. However, there are some bright spots such as the five discos Lester Young in Washington D. C. 1956 and forum 2010) These two collections show that his style of music is still popular on the world. Section Conclusion Both in the past and now, music in our life have played a big role, because music can make our lives richer and more colorful.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Many Cups Is 4 Quarts A Conversion Guide

How Many Cups Is 4 Quarts A Conversion Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One of the types of questions you’ll see on both the SAT exam and the ACT exam are word problems. You know, situations where you’re given real-world scenarios, and you have to figure out the answer to a particular question based on the data you’re given. It’s common to see conversions in word problems. Conversions ask you to change a value from one form of measurement into another. In today’s article, we’re going to cover one specific type of measurement conversion: imperial volume conversion. Specifically, we’re going to show you how to figure out how many cups are in 4 quarts. (Spoiler alert: 16 cups are in 4 quarts!) We’ll teach you: The math formula for converting cups to quarts How to figure out how many cups is 4 quarts by figuring out the cups to quarts conversion How to read a chart that explains different imperial volume conversions Ready? Let’s dive in! Measurement Systems: Imperial vs Metric Volume measurements like ounces, cups, and quarts are all part of the imperial system of measurement, which is the primary method of measurement used in the United States. (Most of the world uses the metric system.) The metric system uses a base 10 system, meaning each measurement increases by a factor of 10. That’s why it’s so easy to convert in the metric systemall you have to do is move the decimal point left or right depending on the unit. So for example, it’s easy to convert 320 milliliters to centiliters...you just move the decimal point one position to the left. And voila! You’ve converted 320 milliliters to 32 centiliters! Unfortunately, the imperial system doesn’t use a base 10 system, which means conversions are much more confusing. In order to do imperial conversions correctly, you have to either a) memorize the different conversion values or b) use a conversion chart. That’s the most important factor in figuring out our quarts to cups conversion! But don’t worry. We’ve provided you a handy-dandy conversion chart below, and we recommend bookmarking this article so you’ll always have it handy! Quart to Cup Conversion: The Math Formula Okay, now that you understand how tricky conversions can be, let’s walk through one so you can see how to use a conversion chart to convert imperial measurements. Go ahead and scroll down to the chart. Follow the instructions in that section to figure out how many cups are in a quart. Did you do it? Then you know that four cups equals one quart! To write that as a mathematical formula to solve our conversion problem, we need to think about what we now know. We’ve figured out that there are four cups in one quart, which looks like this as a mathematical expression: 1Q = 4C In this case, â€Å"Q† stands for quarts and â€Å"C† stands for cups. (These aren’t variables you need to solve for.) Now all we have to do is work this equation. How Many Cups Is 4 Quarts? Okay, now that you know how to do the math, let’s figure out how many cups are in four quarts! To start off, let’s go back to our equation: 1Q = 4C Now, let’s think about what we know. We know we have four quarts, so we’ll have to multiply the left side of the equation by four to get the right value. But as you’ve learned, you can never change one side of the equation without doing the same thing to the other side. That means you’ll have to multiply the right side by four, too. Here’s what that looks like: 4 * 1Q = 4 * 4C Once we work that out, the final expression looks like this: 4Q = 16C In other words, we now know there are 16 cups in 4 quarts, and you’ve finished your conversion! How to Find Other Conversions Now that you know how to solve questions like â€Å"how many cups is 4 quarts,† you can do the same for any other imperial conversion on our conversion chart. The fundamental steps are always the same: Figure out what value you have and what value you need. Ask yourself, â€Å"what do I know† to find the value you have, and â€Å"what do I need to know† to find the value you need. Check the chart to get the right factor. You’re trying to figure out the 1 to 1 ratio here. So for our equation, it was four cups in 1 quart...but it could be anything! For example, if you wanted to work backward from quarts to cups, you’d have to multiply both sides of the equation by .25 instead. Set up the conversion as an expression. This is where you set the value you have as equal to the value you need. Multiply, multiply, multiply! Multiply both sides by the correct factor. And that’s it! It’s a little more work to do than metric conversions. But once you understand how conversion works, it’s a piece of cake! Volume Conversion Chart Like we mentioned earlier, the easiest way to figure out imperial conversions is to reference an imperial volume conversion chart. That’s why we’ve included a conversion chart here! Here’s how to use it for a quarts to cups conversion: Find the value that you know in the left column. So, if we’re trying to figure out how many cups is 4 quarts, we know how many quarts we have. That means we want to locate â€Å"quarts† in the left column. Now, find the value you want to convert to in the top row. In this case, we want to find â€Å"cups.† Go ahead and try that for yourself below: Tbsp. Cups Pints Quarts Gallons 1 Tbsp. - 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/256 1 Cup 16 - 1/2 1/4 1/16 1 Pint 32 2 - 1/2 1/8 1 Quart 64 4 2 - 1/4 1 Gallon 256 16 8 4 - You’ve now figured out that there are four cups in one quart, which is what you’ll use to solve our particular problem. But now that you have this chart, you can use the method we outlined above to do almost any conversion! What's Next? Conversions are just one type of math problem you might face. Make sure you’re prepared for the test by reading our Ultimate Guide to SAT Math Prep and our Ultimate Guide to ACT Math Prep! If you’re feeling pretty confident, why not test your skills against the 13 hardest SAT Math questions ever? If you can conquer those, you’ll likely do great on the SAT, too! (Here are the hardest math questions on the ACT, too.) If you need a little extra practice, why not check out some math prep books? Here’s a list of our favorites. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Ashley Robinson About the Author Ashley Sufflà © Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Friday, November 22, 2019

Building Positive Relationships in Children Essay Example for Free

Building Positive Relationships in Children Essay To help your child understand feelings you could do a feeling chart or make a feeling tree in your home. To make a feelings chart just draw out faces with how there expression might be when they are feeling that way an do the expressions yourself when showing them. This will give your child a better understanding of their feelings and how they can express them through facial expressions. For a feeling tree its much the same idea as a feeling card but you just take in a branch from a tree and stick the faces with the expressions on it. this will help a child express themselves when they can’t do it through facial expressions. Buy them some books with plenty of colourful pictures with the theme of friendship and them to them.this will help show them how nice it is to have friends and how to make them and keep them. It is only after the age of three that children can incorperate other children into their playtime activities so at around this age ask other parents if they would like to make a playdate for their child and yours n a regular basis.this will get your child used to other childrens company.you can also talk about what they did together at dinner or quiet time alone and encourage them to do it again. To help your child with communication you need to be a good example to them.talk to them as much as you can about your day and ask how theirs was.even talking about their favourite tv programme would be good as they will be more likely to talk about something that they’re interested in. To teach them about respect you need to set a good example for this as well. Giving them boundaries will also help and treating them with respect will encourage them to do the same to you. Factors that impact/Motivate children Tou tourself have a major impact on your child.they learn from how you react to situations and other peaople and will use this as a guide for themselves. Also the tv programmes that they watch will make an impact on them and can also motivate them to try new things that they wouldn’t of thought of themselves. . Building Positive Relationships in Children. (2016, Dec 08). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Leadership and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership and Management - Essay Example ader will show the way by introducing and solidifying processes and systems that ensure that organisational synergy is expended in a manner efficient enough to catalyse maximum production and attainment of organisational goals. In the absence of unfocused leadership, management strategies also become confused or ineffective. This is because it takes sound leadership to introduce and buttress sound policies and organisational practices which promote efficiency, professionalism and healthy personnel welfare. The converse is also true that sound management policies also capture, retain and nurture essential talents and skills by following the principles of sustainable talent management, for instance (Nienaber, 690-1). According to Patti, both personal and professional skills are essential for effective management. Personal skills produce sound judgement and are expended as professional skills. Though punctuality, honesty and seriousness are personal skills, a time conscious and manager is bound to inject punctuality, integrity and professionalism in his management style of running certain or all organisational processes that are under him. So integral is personal and professional skills to effective management that professional skills and effective management cannot exist in the absence of personal skills. This is because virtue and values have to start at personal level before they become organisational values. A manager who lacks personal skills or values cannot inject them into the life and processes of his organisation simply because one cannot transmit what he does not have (Patti, et al, 263). Leadership style impacts effective management and organisational objectives since values that help in the attainment proceed from leadership. Effective leadership styles facilitate, influence, motivate and lead employees to adopt organisational and professional culture and approaches. These approaches are translated into effective management. For instance, leadership

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Corporate Governance and Internal Audits Role Essay

Corporate Governance and Internal Audits Role - Essay Example whether internal or external,and have led to evolution of a new systemic structure of the audit function.In the foregoing paragraphs we examine these aspects in some details.To begin with we look at some of the corporate governance policy developments and follow them up with contributions they make towards a more robust audit function. The Financial Services Authority has evolved a refurbished code on corporate governance replacing the1998 intending that the new Code will apply for reporting years beginning on or after 1 November 2003. This Code supersedes the earlier Combined Code issued by the Hampel Committee on Corporate Governance in June 1998.The highlight feature of the new code is the leveraging on the work of Derek Higgs on the role and effectiveness of non-executive directors and a review of the structure and functions of audit committees by a group led by Sir Robert Smith. The Code as it had evolved permitted no room for further consultations and was considered final and applicable in the stated form. The Code essentially evolved around main and supporting principles and provisions. The UK company Listing Rules requires corporates to make a disclosure statement in two parts in reference to the prescriptions of the Code. In the first free format part of the disclosure statement, the company reports as to how it applies the corporate governance principles stated within the Code. This report covers the main as well as the supporting principles. This first part reporting has been left free of any particular format with the specific intention of letting the corporates have a free hand in expressing their corporate governance policies and compliance with the Code. The second part, however, is structured and the concerned corporate has to report categorically if it complies with the provisions of the Code or not. In case it does not comply then structured explanation for the same has to be furnished. The Code specifies that smaller companies outside FTSE350 may find some of the Code provisions not entirely relevant to their circumstances. Similarly the investment companies have been excepted as they tend to have a distinct board structure. Lastly the Code carries this laudable flexibility further in not assessing mechanistically corporate deviations from the Code and advises shareholders to assess the characteristics, size and risk profile of the corporates before concluding on inadequacy of corporate disclosures. The flexibility of the Code itself reflects a desire of the regulator to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Patient Safety Movement Essay Example for Free

The Patient Safety Movement Essay According to patientsafetymovement.org (2013), over 200,000 patients die each year due to preventable causes. This is more than the number of deaths from lung, breast and prostate cancer combined. With such a high number of patients at risk of preventable death, the idea of patient safety moved to the forefront of medical discussions in the early 1990’s with the release of the Institute of Medicine’s report To Err is Human. The report brought to light the issues of patient safety and the errors occurring every day in medical facilities across the country. Patient safety as defined by the Institute of Medicine is simply stated as having â€Å"freedom from accidental injury† (ahrq.gov). Patient safety is now considered a healthcare discipline concerned with reporting, preventing and analyzing adverse events in an effort to reduce or eliminate errors leading to undesirable patient outcomes. Some of the most common medical errors affecting patient safety are wrong site surgery, medication errors, and health care acquired infections. Other causes of medical errors are not directly related to â€Å"touching† the patient. These errors include hand-off communications, illegible handwriting, and poor coordination of care. Wrong site surgeries include operating on the wrong part of the body, performing the wrong operation, or operating on the wrong patient. While wrong site surgery is rare, (from 1995-2010, the Joint Commission received reports of 956 wrong site surgeries), it is probably one of the most preventable injuries affecting patient safety (National Patient Safety Foundation, 2014). Medication errors occur if a patient receives the wrong medication or if the patient receives the right medication in the wrong dose or wrong form. One of the most common errors facing the patient safety movement today, the Institute of Medicine estimates medication errors affect over 1.5 million Americans each year (NPSF, 2014). Health care acquired infections are infections occurring in patients while being treated for other medical conditions. These infections can be acquired while being treated in or out  of a hospital setting. Each year in the United States, approximately 1 in 20 patients contract a health care acquired infection. Errors in patient hand-off communications account for an estimated 80 percent of serious medical errors (patientsafetymovement.org, 2014). A lack of effective communication is responsible for these avoidable adverse events. Illegible handwriting leads to the misinterpretation of physician orders and has led to medication and treatment errors. Patients are at risk for error whenever more than one healthcare provider is involved in their care. Not all providers may have had access to the same information and this lack of coordination of care can result in medical error. In order to develop a patient safety culture in healthcare institutions across the country, several groups were created or formed to outline new patient safety initiatives as well as define the actions both providers and patients can take to prevent medical injuries due to preventable errors. One such group, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, (AHRQ), â€Å"is a home to research centers that specialize in major areas of healthcare research such as quality improvement and patient safety . . . and delivery systems (Pozgar, 2012, p. 541). The AHRQ is charged with the following initiatives: 1. Identify the causes of preventable health care errors and patient injury in health care delivery. 2. Develop, demonstrate, and evaluate strategies for reducing errors and improving patient safety. 3. Disseminate such effective strategies throughout the health care industry. As the AHRQ works to meet its initiatives, other groups such as the National Patient Safety Foundation establish action plans to address the challenge of eliminating medical errors. For example, in 2013, the foundation addressed nine areas in which patient safety errors occur and how these errors could be eliminated by following a well-developed plan. Included in those nine areas were medication errors, hand-off communication errors, and healthcare associated infections (patientsafetymovement.org). Other results of the patient safety movement include the way patients are identified. For example, two patient identifiers are used prior to providing patient care. These identifiers may include a patient’s name or date of birth. These identifiers are then matched to the patient record thereby ensuring treatment is provided to the right person. Many providers and facilities  have strict infection control guidelines including the use of hand washing and proper use of PPE (personal protective equipment), such as gowns, gloves, and masks. Other changes relate to the elimination of medication errors. For example, look alike or sound alike drugs are kept separated or repackaged in pharmacies to prevent giving a patient incorrect medications. In order to prevent wrong site surgeries, both the physician and the patient are involved in clearly marking the site prior to surgery as well as verbal communication between physician and patient as to the surgical site and what type of surgery the patient is about to undergo. Other safety actions include the members of the surgical team taking a â€Å"time-out† prior to surgery to confirm the correct patient, correct site, and correct procedure (Pozgar, 2012). Another initiative began in 2005, when Dr. Donald Berwick and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, (IHI) created a ca mpaign to save 100,000 lives (Levin, 2005, p. 94). â€Å"The campaign aims to enlist at least 1,500 hospitals across the United States to commit to six key evidence-based, safety and quality improvements that have the potential to save 100,000 lives over the next 18 months—and beyond† (Levin, 2005, p. 95). The six key-evidenced based improvements are 1. Rapid Response Teams. 2. Prevention of Central Line associated bloodstream infections. 3. Prevention of surgical site infections. 4. Prevention of adverse drug events. 5. Improved care for acute MI. 6. Prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia. Dr. Berwick and the IHI believed that this initiative could be successful at preventing patient medical errors and result in an unknown number of saved lives. The overall goal of all groups involved in the patient safety movement is to improve the quality of patient care through system improvement, education, and shared experiences to reduce the risk of medical error. Unfortunately, the goals of the patient safety movement and the current tort system do not go hand in hand. While the patient safety movement encourages open communication regarding patient medical errors, the risk of litigation causes many healthcare providers and institutions to remain silent regarding patient medical errors. In order to avoid lawsuits, many physicians practice â€Å"defensive medicine,† which can actually increase the risk of patient medical errors resulting in malpractice lawsuits. Some tort reforms have shown to be somewhat successful in reducing the overall cost of liability by keeping insurance premiums lower, keeping physicians in  practice, and capping the amount of damages paid to patients. However, while these reforms may have reduced the financial burden on healthcare providers, they do little to support the patient safety movement. The most widely cited concerns about the medical liability system relate to the systems impact on costs and access to liability coverage, its impact on patients safety, and the administrative burden of litigation. According to AHRQ, in order to address these concerns, the following reforms have been discussed: Full disclosure/early offer programs. Certificate of merit programs. Caps on damage awards, periodic interim payment rules, joint and several liability reforms, collateral source rule reform, and the abolishing of punitive damages. Pre-trial screening panels. Health courts Patient safety is one of the primary goals of reform efforts that focus on programs that promote full disclosure, early offers, and the collection and analyses of the root causes of medical errors (AHRQ, 2010). As with all movements, the patient safety movement is not without its critics. One criticism of the movement deals with physician burnout. The patient safety movement includes many new initiatives aimed at improving patient safety. Each of these new initiatives takes time to understand and implement in order to have the desired outcome. Unfortunately, many providers are faced with learning these initiatives on top of an already full day of patient care. Most facilities have not built in the time required to learn, understand, and implement new initiatives. At the time the IOM published the To Err is Human report, many in the healthcare field questioned the numbers revealed in the study as well as contending that the information in the report would focus undue attention on accidental deaths and prevent limited resources from being directed at other important quality improvement initiatives. Other critics do not agree with the focus on involving patients in their own care, believing that if a patient is already sick and in the hospital, the patient should not have the additional burden of making sure they are receiving the right medicine at the right time, etc. Whether a supporter or critic of the patient safety movement, everyone can agree that human errors do occur in the treatment of patients. In order to improve  patient safety, healthcare providers and facilities must continue to find ways to implement new initiatives that improve the overall quality and safety of the care provided to patients. References AHRQ. (2008). What Exactly Is Patient Safety? Retrieved from http://ahrq.gov Institute of Medicine. (2014). Retrieved from http://iom.edu/ Levin, A. A. (2005). Patient Safety- Rejecting the Status Quo. NC Med J March/April 2005, Volume 66, Number 2. Retrieved from http://ww.ncmedicaljournal.com National Patient Safety Foundation. (2014). Key Facts About Patient Safety. Retrieved from http://www.npsf.org/for-patients-for-consumers Pozgar, G.D. (2012). Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (11th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones Bartlett Learning, LLC The Patient Safety Movement. (2013). Challenges Solutions. Retrieved from http://patientsafetymovement.org/challenges--solutions-/

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What is Education? :: Learning Learn Scholastic Essays

What is Education? To really think about what education is, it is practically anything we view it to be. Whether it may be formal or informal schooling, such as learning about the way mobs are run from your uncle, Fat Tony or someone, education is all these things. Of course, growing up I tend to have had this notion that education only involved Math, English, Science, and History, and now as I reflect, I thought about how stupid I was to think that. I know now that education is, and always will be anything we view it to be. I have learned a great deal from my formal schooling, but the education I seem to treasure most are the experiences I learn in life. When I think about all the situations I have been through and having been able to learn something from it is just simply a wonderful thought. I like it best when James Spayde said that the whole world around us is like a big classroom in which we are always constantly learning. In addition, another saying that has also caught my attention was when Mik e Rose said in his article, Lives on the Boundary, "Education is like one culture embracing another (107)." And through these statements, I have come to realize that though the classroom education is important, it seems that learning in your own environment, through experiences and trials, is the most priceless education of all. In the following paragraphs, I will explore the many ways in which education can be anything we view it to be in respect to bell hooks article, Keeping Close to Home: Class and Education, Mike Rose article, Lives on the Boundary, and Jon Spayde's article, Learning in the Key of Life. In bell hooks article, she talks about an essential main point that seems to resonate through her whole article, that point being talks about assimilation. Looking through her eyes and seeing the process of assimilation through them, we can see how she views what education is. Before talking about this whole topic about assimilation, we first need to look at some facts that lead up to the topic at hand. When hooks was given the opportunity to learn at Stanford University, she took the opportunity to do so. The first problem she faced was with her parents. Hooks mother expressed to her that she did not want her to go so far away from home and that the colleges around there were just as good.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Oscar Wao: Domincan Irony

Question: The Gangster, unlike many of the men in the book, is friendly, and treats Beli like a woman. However, his action creates an irony in the book. Explain. Answer: Many of the man in the book have been rude toward the girls in the book. They thought that their action is the right thing to do, since they have the Dominican Pride. All they really cared about was their appearance as a muchacha figure, and did not care for the girls’ feeling or needs. When â€Å"gangster† steps in after Beli had a rough time with Jack who used her as nothing but as a toy; Beli starts to feel a feeling of love. Gangster treats her differently, buying her gifts, treating her to nice restaurants, and taking her out to places. He even opens his heart up and tells her, about the hardship and torment he is going through. Due to his actions, she realizes she loves him, since no man has ever appreciated her or opened up so much before in her life. His actions create an irony; and the actions differ from everything we have encountered about the Dominican Culture so far. However, the real irony kicks in as Beli realizes that gangster has a habit of disappearing for days or weeks on end without notice. When he comes back, she persists about where he has been, and about their marriage, however, gangster does not give her any answers back. When Gangster takes Beli out for a trip, to relax, Beli is extremely happy. During the trip, gangster tells Beli that he wants to be free, creating an ironic moment as he goes back and forth between a gentleman, and a muchacha. However, when she returns home she realizes that she is pregnant, and the reader anticipates for the dramatic irony that will be created, as soon as gangster makes his decision about sticking with being a gentleman and staying with Beli, or leave her and the baby, like the other Dominican men.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Baxter Manufacturing Essay

Baxter Manufacturing Company (BMC) is a metal stampings company. Its major customers include, Ford, General Motors, Honda of America, General Electric and Whirlpool. The company is made up of two divisions it makes brackets and other components that go into the finished product, they also make motor casings. BMC employees about 420 non-union employees and has been steadily growing for the last 6 years. They have been approached to build a factory in Mexico, and settled on building in Queretaro, which is about a 3-hour drive north of Mexico City. Don Collins, who is the MIS manager, felt that since a new plant was being built with top of the line equipment and computer systems that they might be able to implement a system upgrade for the entire company. One of the problems was that BMC wanted the new system implemented by the end of the year. Given the quick deadline they decided to focus on support for the Mexico plant, a felt that the following approaches: 1. Connect the Mexican plant to BMC’s existing systems through a high-speed communications line   2.  Contract through an application service provider (ASP) to provide systems support to the Mexican plant. 3. Employ a piecemeal solution where they would acquire a number of software packages that could run on the networked PC’s in Mexico that would serve the basic needs of the Mexican plant. (MIS) The task force team ran into difficulties with language and cultural differences, the mindset of the employees and Mexico and the long distances between them. They met with resistance and self pride from the Mexican employees and were unable to communicate effectively with them. Target As a result of the lack of communication and the language differences the task force decided to go with option 3. They were working on locating vendors to provide support and with basic language software to help the employees stateside. The main issues that they are having are support for the systems and training for the equipment. By outsourcing some or all of ts IT work to a company that is familiar with the language and culture it could help expedite the time of getting the plant operational. In addition developing a training program that could be taught companywide could help benefit the entire company. Proposal One of the main issues that BMC is looking for is international support. They are been unable to work directly with its own employees due to the language barrier that it faces. By using a company like Unisys, they could provide the infrastructure support, business service support and many other features. They offer support in English and Spanish and could help ease the burden of the local IT department. Unisys could also implement a Cloud, in which the entire company could use to help transfer information to and from different locations. â€Å"Business forces have caused IT to try to figure out how to provide flexible services faster, but, without large, up front investments. Unisys has a number of cloud solutions for providing the necessary flexibility and responsiveness needed to achieve significant business value. † (Unisys) A great deal of time has gone into the development of this plant, but an equal or greater part must be present in training of the employees. In order for the plant to be fully operational at the level that is required by MBC, a training program must be designed. They would benefit greatly by having management train with how BMC currently runs its operation. By also setting up a video conferencing line they could help problem solve over the computer and or phone lines helping eliminate the distance between the two plants.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Vengeance essays

Vengeance essays Arthur Millers The Crucible is a classic novel about the 1692 Salem witch trials. In that year nineteen people and two dogs were convicted and killed for acts of witchcraft. The reasons behind the accusations resulted in many disagreements that happened over the years. After the accusations began, grudges began to surface in the community. Small insignificant actions were made out to be witchcraft, and the devil was responsible for bad business deals. One of the main characters John Proctor stated it best when he said, Vengeance is walking Salem. (Miller 73) The in the beginning of the book the girls in the village have been caught dancing in the woods. As one of them falls sick, rumors start to fly that there is witchcraft going on in the woods. Once the girls talk to each other, they become more and more frightened of being accused as witches. After telling the truth to Revered Hale and Revered Parris Abigail starts the accusations by saying, I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osborne with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil! Another girl, Betty, continues the cry with, I saw George Jacobs with the Devil! I saw Goody Howe with the Devil! (Miller 45) The other girls all join in so that the blame will not be placed on them. In Act Three of The Crucible, the girls were called before the judges to defend themselves against the claims that they were only acting. John Proctor convinced Mary Warren to testify against the girls. Mary knew that if she told the truth that the other girls would turn on her and accuse her of being a witch, but if she didnt tell on the girls then John Proctor would kill her. During the court proceedings Abigail acted as if Mary Warren sent her spirit up to the rafters and began to talk to the spirit. Oh Mary, this is a black art to change your shape. No, I cannot, I cannot stop my mouth; it ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Drug Testing in The Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Drug Testing in The Workplace - Essay Example The paper tells that no worker wants that his private life is invaded and suspected. You do not want your life to be your boss’s business. Individual and civil rights are the ones that are most respected giving every citizen the right to keep his life off-the-work private and not scrutinized. However, with the advent of efficient technological tools, it is difficult for a worker to hide his off-duty activities from the scrutinizers. Urinalysis drug testing is conducted when a person applies for a job to know if he is on drugs. The biggest point is the violation of privacy and civil rights. No worker in any position will want that he is being observed or that whatever he does off-duty is counted as having an effect on his performance on-duty (Hansson and Palm). Courts and judges have also been not very protective regarding privacy issues that arise in drug testing, nor have any laws or policies been designed regarding when to conduct drug testing and what to do after a person s hows positive. Also, the process of drug testing itself is privacy-invasive since a person is required to give his urine sample in the presence of other persons. This makes the process uncomfortable and disrespectful for the employee. Moreover, when a person shows positive on a drug test, he is not given any medical treatment but he is very likely to be fired. If this continues, then the society will have an increasing number of jobless drug addicts especially those who are not motivated to leave the addiction. This will result in deterioration of the society on the whole.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Personal Statement for Graduate School Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

For Graduate School - Personal Statement Example The opportunity to assist in the birth process has always been appealing to me. Recently, I have had opportunity to attend the deliveries of three close friends. This experience has reinforced my desire to become a midwife. Perhaps the most personal reason I want to study midwifery stems from the fact that I am currently pregnant and am seeking a midwife. I want to provide competent services to other women as they prepare to deliver their babies. I am hoping to find this for myself. Most of all, I want to continue to have positive clinical experiences as a nurse. My most satisfying clinical experience was caring for a patient that had been in a motorcycle accident. He came in with a serous pelvic fracture that was causing profuse rectal bleeding. I was able to assist this patient throughout the CT scan and several procedures required to keep his blood pressure up. When we took him to interventional radiology as requested, the doors were locked and no one was there to help. At that point, the patient’s life was in my hands. I made the decision to take him directly to his room in the Critical Care center. By the time we were able to get him there, he was just clinging to life. We worked to get him stabilized and he was admitted for the night. This was a satisfying experience because it shoed me that I could make difficult decisions in high-pressure situations. I was commended for making the decision to take him directly to his room instead of waiting at the interventional radiology department. I was actually there for that patient so he could tell me to speak with his wife when she arrived. He said, â€Å"Tell my wife I love her.† I felt great about my performance that day, but was extremely upset to discover the next day that he did not live through the night. Seeing people come into the hospital walking and talking but then never leaving is

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Joseph Stalin Politics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Joseph Stalin Politics - Research Paper Example He became a Marxist revolutionary. For that he was persecuted, arrested, even exiled to Siberia. Yet he always escaped and continued his work underground. He organized strikes, protests, was spreading propaganda, etc. He quickly gained popularity with the Bolsheviks and was personally working together with Lenin. During the Bolshevik’s seize of power in 1917 Stalin’s involvement was not of any significance. (Kuromiya 34) However, he quickly raised ranks in the Communist party and was assigned to the position of general secretary of the Communist Party in 1922. (54) This title was not considered high-ranking, but it gave him the opportunity to build a base of support.   In 1924, after the death of Lenin, Stalin announced himself his official heir. He managed to outmaneuver other party leaders in the fight for the top political seat of the USSR. (Service 3) In effect, by the late 20’s he became the dictator of the Soviet Union. Stalin implemented a system of forc ed collectivization and industrialization of agriculture. Millions of people had to pay for it with their very lives. He also created a new program of rapid industrialization and as the result economy reached colossal increases in the productivity, albeit at a great cost. The Great Terror started in the 1930’s when Stalin decided to â€Å"purge the party of enemies of the people†; thousands of suspected citizens were executed and millions exiled to slave labor camps, of which the whole network, known as gulag, was created.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Studying Abroad in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Studying Abroad in China - Essay Example It is believed this environment will provide a rich and diverse perspective applicable to a variety of circumstances, and has the added advantage of attracting other top students with which to interact and who have similar interest in experiencing the dynamic culture and creative atmosphere (Carnoy & Rhoten 2002). China is known today for its strong support of educational values based largely on its desire to become a respected political and economic world leader. The country and its leaders understand the critical importance of education's role in that achievement, and support that endeavor both financially and politically. China has many respected universities in all avenues of learning including fields of study in such disciplines as business management, technology, science, medicine, law, economics, literature, and political science. It's clear that education has played a major role in the recent economic development of China (Guo & Cummings 2005). In terms of cultural history, during the days of the Cultural Revolution, that initiative seemed to sidetrack educational initiatives.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dsdm and information security management standards iso 27001

Dsdm and information security management standards iso 27001 Abstract This report presented two different topics related to information technology, specifically Dynamic Systems Dynamic Modelling and the ISO 27001. The first part of this paper discussed advantages and disadvantages, relevant case histories and potential issues of the two topics. This section included reflection on issues of social responsible computing. The second part reflected the relevance of the content of the assignment and unit while the last part will conclude the topics presented. Both of these systems have their own purposes and implementation of these standards and methods often provides benefits to the organizations involved. DSDM focuses on how software is developed while the ISO27001 ensures that protection against security is ensured within the organization. On the other hand, computer professionals as well as organizations that focus on information technology must also consider the disadvantages presented by these methods and standards before incorporating it within the o rganizational processes. 1. Introduction This report will present two different topics related to information technology, specifically Dynamic Systems Dynamic Modelling and the ISO 27001. The first part of this paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages, relevant case histories and potential issues of the two topics. This section will also include reflection on issues of social responsible computing. The second part reflects the relevance of the content of the assignment and unit while the last part will conclude the topics presented. 2. DSDM 2.1 Advantages and disadvantages The DSDM or the Dynamic System Dynamic Modelling method serves as an effort to define an industrial standard for IT systems development. This approach provides an iterative product-centred procedure model that is employed to establish incrementally the target. This method is also a user-centred technique which is mainly based on the combination of the user input on its entire software development process (Lind 2001). However, DSDM is not created as a general purpose technique; but rather as a specialized process for specific business applications in which most of the functionality of the system can be accessed through its user interface. In addition, the functions of the target system must be decomposable into several sub-functions and the technique can only be applied when the groups of designated users are already identified and when these users are available to the development team (Lind 2001). The advantages of DSDM are that it is more formal than usual prototyping techniques and it is also independent of specific tools and techniques. This method provides a technique-independent process and adaptable in terms of changing requirements. It also implements strict time and budget adherence and often considers stakeholders during the development process (University of Ottawa 2008). In addition, the DSDM supports institutional learning, an aspect often disregarded by other approaches (Lind 2001). One of the disadvantages of DSDM is that it is only appropriate to particular classification of applications and because of its heavy reliance on its user interactions; it needs a specific institutional framework for the software development process (Lind 2001). DSDM also involves progressive development of requirements and its emphasis of RAD may result to decline in code robustness. This method also needs full commitment to the process and considerable user involvement. DSDM also needs skilled development group in both technical and business areas (University of Ottawa 2008). 2.2 Relevant case histories During the early 1990s, a new phrase ‘Rapid Application Development was introduced within the IT industry. RAD is designed differently from the Waterfall techniques for development of application. Clearly, RAD emerged because of the users frustrations and people involved in the IT alike with approaches that were considered unsuitable for a rapid moving business environment. On the other hand, RAD developed as a movement in an unstructured manner since people involved did not created a generally accepted definition of a RAD process and various vendors and consultants created their own interpretation and approach (The History of DSDM Consortium). In 1993, a momentum in the market place has been increasing with expanding number of instruments for RAD and vendors repositioning their products to satisfy a growing demand for customers of RAD. However, each customer has their own specific needs in terms of development process. These forecasted requirements gave rise to the development of DSDM Version 1. The group improves DSDM through releasing different versions (The History of DSDM Consortium). DSDM has been providing solutions for those companies who have been experiencing problems with software delivery. One good example is an Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC). When they employed the DSDM, the operation of OCLC has improved. Their teams have tailored to work better for the organizations needs and implemented additional tools and techniques (DSDM Case Study nd.). 2.3 Reflection on issues of social responsible computing. Even though IT developers are aware with the issues regarding the disabilities, only few of them have made a step in supporting disadvantaged people. If an organization is supporting employees and customers who are disadvantaged, being service providers, the software developers should create programs that cater to their respective needs (Shneiderman 1992). They could also develop software intended for community communications and improve softwares intended to support entrepreneurs. Software development, whether for personal computers, mobile phones or for any relevant electronic devices, should also focus in satisfying the needs of the minorities, the elderly and other disadvantaged communities (Shneiderman 1992). 2.4 Potential issues in the future (five years ahead) Given the constant emergence of new IT programs and changing needs of customers and organizations, five years ahead, DSDM might either become an obsolete system or it may decrease its value for the organizations that use the system. Other systems might emerged which is more effective than DSDM (Guidelines for Introducing DSDM to the Organization 1998). However, assuming that the DSDM will not become obsolete since it will adopt to the changing trends of its industry, the potential issues that the company will face is the training and education of their existing development team. Since DSDM should undergo necessary changes, it would be necessary for the organization to give training and education to their development team (Guidelines for Introducing DSDM to the Organization 1998). 3. Information Security Management standards ISO 27001 3.1 Advantages and disadvantages ISO/IEC 27001 oversees all forms of organizations including government agencies, not for profit organizations and commercial firms. It presents requirements for implementing, developing, operating, monitoring, assessing, sustaining and enhancing a documented Information Security Management System considering the organizations business risks. It presents standards for the establishing security controls tailored to the needs of individual firms or its divisions. Certifying ISMS can bring various benefits for the firms (ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security 2010). The ISO 27001 provides an independent assurance of the organizations internal controls and satisfies business community and corporate governance standards. This is also effective for firms that handle information in behalf of other parties such as IT outsourcing firms. It assures customers that their information is fully secured. ISO 27001 illustrates that applicable policies and relevant rules are adhered and give competitive edge through satisfying the requirements contractual requirements and proving to the organizations customers that their security of their information is of the highest priority (ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security 2010). These standards independently assure organizations risks are appropriate identified, evaluated, and supervised while formalizing information security procedures and documentations. Following to these standards signifies that the organization has full commitment to assure security of information. Regular assessment encourages the organization to monitor their performance and improve further (ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security 2010). One of the few disadvantages however of ISO certifications is that the organization focuses too much on the certification and giving less attention to other necessary aspects of the business; for example, creating a good working environment that intrinsically motivates people involved within the organization. Although improving systems leads to better services, organizations tend to focus on the following audits and assessments but may ignore ‘human aspect of the business such as not giving incentives for the people who did the job well done since the budget concentrated on improving the systems to acquire the certification (Advantages and Disadvantages of ISO Certification 2010). 3.2 Relevant case histories ISO 27001 served as the replacement for BS7799-2, which is withdrawn. This standard for the ISMS matches with ISO 17799 and is compatible with ISO 4000 and ISO 9001 (PC History n.d.). Different organizations have implemented the ISO27001 and reaped significant number of benefits. One good example is the Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service. After the implementation of guidelines and processes towards acquiring ISO 27001, the agencys security environment has improved and they have now greater transparency. The ISO 27001 also provided the agency stronger rules and operational processes. The agency also serve as a role for model for other organizations, whether for profits or not for profit. It also ensures good corporate governance within the organization (ISO 27001 Case Study n.d.). 3.3 Reflection on issues of social responsible computing. Some public agencies and non-governmental organizations as well as investment analyst function as critics and evaluators of organizations to ensure that minimum standards are implemented within the workplace and ensure that workers are equally treated. While ISO 27001 ensures transparency within the organization, public agencies, NGO and employees are increasingly assessing organizations dedication to ensure fair and equitable working environment and this trend signifies that every organization must not only adhere to ISO certification but also they should demonstrate social responsibility (SA 8000 Social Accountability 2010). An organization that implements social responsible computing enhances its brand image and reputation and becomes more effective in enticing new customers. Social accountability also attracts ethical investment, demonstrate transparency to its stakeholders and it also improves employees morale and effectiveness (SA 8000 Social Accountability 2010). Therefore, social accountability reinforces the benefits provided by the IS0 27001. 3.4 Potential issues in the future (five years ahead) Potential issues that the ISMS will clearly face are the never ending evolutions of worms, viruses, Trojan horses, spywares and malwares. No one knows how these problems may evolve and become more serious that security programs implemented might find it hard to prevent them from entering and damaging the computer systems. Even though antivirus programs are performing great jobs in protecting the computers, new viruses that have not been recognized by antivirus programs can enter and damage computer programs, similar to Melissa worms and Love Bugs (Love Bug Virus 2007). 5. Refection on the relevance of the content of the assignment and unit The content provided as well as the unit itself can serve as guidance for researchers and students if they are planning to develop potential security standards and software development methods or even software. As part of curriculum in information technology, professors require students to create thesis or projects related to software or security standards. IT professionals also engage in similar endeavours. Developing software clearly requires systematic structure while establishing security standards must rely on the existing standards and make some modifications to satisfy the needs of the clients and to adopt with the changing trends of security threats. 6. Conclusion The DSDM or the Dynamic System Dynamic Modelling method serves as an effort to define an industrial standard for IT systems development. This approach provides an iterative product-centred procedure model that is employed to establish incrementally the target. ISO/IEC 27001 oversees all forms of organizations including government agencies, not for profit organizations and commercial firms. It presents requirements for implementing, developing, operating, monitoring, assessing, sustaining and enhancing a documented Information Security Management System considering the organizations business risks. Both of these systems have their own purposes and implementation of these standards and methods often provides benefits to the organizations involved. While DSDM serves as a technique-independent process and adaptable in terms of changing requirements, the ISO 27001 independently assures organizations risks are appropriate identified, evaluated, and supervised while formalizing information security procedures and documentations. DSDM focuses on how software is developed while the ISO27001 ensures that protection against security is ensured within the organization. On the other hand, computer professional as well as organizations that focus on information technology must also consider the disadvantages presented by these methods and standards before incorporating it within the organizational processes. DSDM also involves progressive development of requirements and its emphasis of RAD may result to decline in code robustness. This method also needs full commitment to the process and considerable user involvement. DSDM also needs skilled development group in both technical and business areas; otherwise they might need to hire additional staff to fill insufficient areas. Organizations that often aim for acquiring certification sometimes ignore other important aspects of the business such as social responsibility and ‘human aspects of the business.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Eagles :: essays research papers

Eagle, common name for a number of diurnal birds of prey, some of which are the largest members of their family which also includes kites, hawks, buzzards, and certain vultures. The name eagle is somewhat loosely applied, as several of the groups are not particularly closely related to one another, and some birds called hawks are larger than some called eagles. IIGOLDEN AND RELATED EAGLES The golden eagle is distributed through most of the northern hemisphere. This is the eagle that has been regarded from ancient times as a symbol of courage and power because of its large size, superb aerial skills, and the inaccessibility of many of its nest sites, in wild and mountainous country. In Roman myths this eagle is associated with the principal deity, Jupiter. It was the emblem of certain Roman legions, of France under the Bonapartes, of Germany, and of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires. In North America the golden eagle occurs as far south as Mexico, but it is most common in the mountainous areas of the western United States and Canada; east of the Mississippi it is relatively rare. Females attain a length of about 1 m (about 3 ft) from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail, and have a wingspread of about 2 m (about 7 ft). Males are smaller, as is true for most of the birds of prey. A characteristic of the genus is the feathering of the legs down to the toes; in other eagles the lower part of the leg is bare and scaled, as in most birds. The body plumage is dark brown, with a distinct golden wash over the back of the head and neck, giving the species its name. The tail of adults is brown with several indistinct pale bands; that of immature birds is white with a dark brown terminal band. Most golden eagle nests are placed on cliff ledges, but in some areas large trees are preferred. The nest is large and coarse, built of sticks and twigs. The same nest is used from year to year, and the birds add more sticks, so that the nest may eventually be as much as 1.8 m (6 ft) in diameter and 1.5 m (5 ft) high. The usual number of eggs is two, often only one, and occasionally three. They are heavily marked with blotches and spots of various shades of brown.