Friday, March 20, 2020

Ems Case Study Essays

Ems Case Study Essays Ems Case Study Essay Ems Case Study Essay A CT was ordered and revealed lesions on the left brain about 2-3 cams long. Patient was scheduled to leave for Texas tomorrow for further evaluation. Patients wife describes this recent event as mild ticks to the left arm with short Intermittent breaks In seizure activity. Patients vital signs were 136/78 with a pulse of 112. Breath sounds are clear and heart sounds are normal. DNS reveal diminished grip in left arm. Wife states this is normal since his previous seizure on July 1st. Patients skin pink, warm and mildly diaphragmatic. Patients LOC is diminished. Patient can respond briefly to verbal commands. Patient is experiencing mild focal motor seizure activity to the left arm and head/neck. Patients lab data Is normal with the exception of his Together level. Patients Together is currently 4. 2 vs.. A normal range of 8- 12. Patients liver enzymes were currently normal which Is Improved from his July 1st levels that were low. Patient is currently taking: Disappear, OMG DID for the treatment of seizures. Fomentation MGM BID for a peptic ulcer. Together MGM BID for treatment of seizures. Viding, 2-3 q-err PR for pain relief. PA ordered establishment of IV with a saline lock, 02 at 4 Imp by NC and 3-lead monitoring. Divan 0. Ml given IPP to relieve seizure. MESS PLAN OF ACTION Protect the patient from harm and do nothing If seizure last less than two minutes. If seizure Is prolonged (>2 minutes) protect patients airway and provide suction as needed. Establish large bore IV with normal saline at TOOK and provide 02 as Indicated. Consider and obtain order for Vellum 5-MGM VISP or Versed OMG IM If IV access is not available. May also give Versed 2. OMG IV if needed. Establish baseline vials Ana moonlit caracal urn Hoyt. I rainspout AS

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