Friday, May 22, 2020

Final Analysis Paper on General Motors - 3742 Words

OUTSOURCE INSOURCE FINAL BUSINESS ANALYSIS PAPER ON GENERAL MOTORS (GM) 1 Outsource Insource Final Paper Patricia J Helligar Capella University ISTM 5010 Dr Mike 03/15/2013 OUTSOURCE INSOURCE FINAL BUSINESS ANALYSIS PAPER ON GENERAL MOTORS (GM) Table of Contents 2 Part 1 – General Motors - The firm I will analyze for my final project and the major topic that will be addressed .................................................................................................... 3 References ................................................................................................................................ 4 Part 2 - Identify the specific business unit and service component in final project analysis†¦show more content†¦This shifting to insourcing the work back is about the thousands of new GM jobs throughout the world that will be ready for the job market. GM has done the necessary evaluations and realizes that these contracts have no idea of the car industry business and no experience on how cars are designed, made and then sold. Therefore, the data centers will be handled by GM employees around the USA and the world. Now the data center is in house now or OUTSOURCE INSOURCE FINAL BUSINESS ANALYSIS PAPER ON GENERAL MOTORS (GM) 4 insourced, this will greatly improve GM’s ability to design the kind of software and data systems it needs to make popular vehicles. General Motors (GM) outsourced 90% of their IT department but recently made changes to insourced their IT department to GM employees. This move was not about saving money at all but the increase in jobs for potential new and existing employees at GM. References Schepp, David, (2013). GM vows to insource most of its IT Jobs. Document retrieved from Part 2 - Identify the specific business unit and service component in final project analysis The business unit and service component that will be used in final project analysis isShow MoreRelatedGoogle Car Essay1084 Words   |  5 PagesGoogle Car: In the paper, the point of view will be Google’s. Questions that will be answered in the paper including but not limited to the economical and technical viability for Google to produce Google car in a large scale, reasons that Google will succeed or fail, the best strategy for Google to adopt. For the industry analysis, Porter’s five forces (Appendix 1) will be used to explore the environment of the automobile industry and if Google will be able to enter the industry and produce automobilesRead MoreEssay about Tesla Motors1688 Words   |  7 PagesTesla Motors faces is the society and subcultures. In this day in age consumers worldwide have increased their knowledge and sensitivity about its environment. 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